is online website that belongs to PT Garuda Nusantara Kencana. PT Garuda Nusantara Kencana is part of CKH Group. The Board of Directors of PT Garuda Nusantar Kencana (the "Company") has the power to design, assess and continuously revise the Governance and Sustainability System, and specifically to approve and update the corporate policies, which contain the guidelines governing the conduct of the Company and of the companies belonging to the group of which the Company is the controlling entity, within the meaning established by law (the "Group").
This Privacy Policy can be adjusted with any needs or improve from We hope all user can read this privacy policy periodically to get any updated news.
By access this website, all user understand that :
All data that collected by this website will be owned by PT Garuda Nusantara Kencana
Users give permissions to PT Garuda Nusantara Kencana to collect, use and manage all collected
data as applied in this privacy policy
Right now, user of are Jobseekers and Exhibitors. Jobseekers is individual that have need about vacancy information and in current status for looking a job
Exhibitor is legal institute (PT/CV) or we usually called “Company” that have need in recruitment or hiring candidate
A. Privacy About Collecting Personal Data For Jobseeker
B. Privacy About Collecting Personal Data For Exhibitor
C.Cookies using cookie so users can access website with faster than without cookies. Cookies is small file that automatically can detect where and when user access the website. Beside that also do the functions about keep preference and any configuration of users while visiting website.
D. Further Information
For futher information can contact directly to our head office
PT Garuda Nusantara Kencana
Sarinah Building 12th Floor
Jl. MH Thamrin No 11
Jakarta Pusat 10350